Effective Date: April 25, 2020

Sinric Pro’s priority to its customers is to keep the Sinric Pro service available, which requires each Customer to have reasonable and set policies for fair use of the resources of the Sinric Pro service. While the Service includes broad access to a variety of resources such as API requests, storage, and bandwidth, they are not unlimited (unless expressly stated as such) or it would affect the stability of the system, including but not limited to the Service, which is why we have this Fair Use Policy.

This Fair Use Policy (FUP) is additional Documentation for the Service set forth in the Master Agreement or similar defined terms describing the Sinric Pro service used in our contract with you. Capitalized terms used but not defined below, shall have the meaning outlined in the Master Agreement and Use Policy. If the Use Policy is attached to or referred to in our contract with you or our contract uses similar terms, this Fair Use Policy is considered part of the “Documentation.”

We reserve the right to update this, and any other Documentation, at any time, including but not limited to adding limits on modules created in the future. Such limits, guidelines, and parameters may be listed elsewhere in other Documentation.

We include a variety of components in the Service, but we provide for policies regarding certain parameters in order to keep the Sinric Pro service stable, available and uniform. Exceeding these parameters may result in throttling, limitation of access or denying access to our services

API: rate limit

The rate limit is the maximum number of requests that you can make using any Sinric Pro API in a given period. There are no limits on the requests that you make to the cached data on Sinric Pro’s CDN. Sinric Pro's API automates caching to enable our API to scale. For uncached requests, i.e., requests to the origin server, there is a maximum limit of 30 requests per minute.

Websocket: read/write limits

By default, any Sinric Pro enforces the following rate limits:

Your application will receive the HTTP 429/503 response code if the requests for a given time period exceed the defined rate limits.