Data Protection Policy

This policy sets out how Sinric (hereinafter, "the Company"), handles the personal data of its employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties.

This policy is intended to ensure that we:

In this context, the Company regards proper management of the protection of personal data to be a fundamental element in its business activities.

The Company herein sets forth its Personal Data Protection Policy and, in addition to pledging to comply with laws and other norms pertaining to personal data protection, shall put in place its own rules and systems tailored to the Company's corporate philosophy and the nature of its business.

All executives and employees of the Company shall abide by the Personal Data Protection Management System (encompassing the Personal Data Protection Policy as well as in-house systems, rules and regulations for personal data protection) devised in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Policy, and shall make thoroughgoing efforts to protect personal data.

Jan 15, 2022